Audio, Video, Disco by Justice
Genre: Progressive rock, French electronic music
Release Date: October 24, 2011
Label: Ed Banger


I must be the only person on Earth with this opinion, but here goes...
As a Justice fan that got into them AFTER the release of Woman, I had a chance to listen to all of their albums one after each other, well aware of the fact that they change their sound with every album.
This is their best studio album by a pretty big margin in my opinion. Maybe that's just me being a huge fan of prog-rock/70s rock though, who knows. I am in LOVE with the triumphant and medieval feeling (Especially Canon, including the Primo) that I get throughout the whole thing.
Regardless, this album did something for me that is pretty rare, and that is that every single song CLICKED for me. That includes the 27 second intro to Canon. It works so damn well as an opener to the actual song. And yeah, maybe some songs clicked a bit less than others, sure, but this is one of those few albums where I NEVER skip a single track. I always listen to it fully from beginning to end.
Whether you love or hate this album, you have to agree that there is NO other album like this. I have yet to hear an electronic 70s prog-rock inspired album that sounds like this.
I have always believed that every Justice album, from Cross, to AVD, to Woman to Hyperdrama stand out in their own way, and I truly believe that the negativity this album has received is incredibly unfair, especially for something so beautifully crafted. I personally think that Cross and AVD shouldn't even be compared to each other in the first place considering they are completely two different things and achieve certain things differently.
There is only one reason as to why this was poorly received, and that is because Cross was the first album, so everyone was expecting another "Cross" (I think another Cross wouldn't be good, I'm glad that Cross is its own thing) and when they didn't get that, this was a pretty big downer for them.
If I had to choose to listen to Audio, Video, Disco or Cross in full, I would pick this NO DOUBT. I have way too much fun with it.